Learn From the Dental Industry's TOP LEADERS!Sit Chairside withDr. Dennis WellsCreator ofDURAthin® Prepless Veneers- OR -
Zero Sensitivity Bleaching
DescriptionMost dentists agree that one of the major problems with tooth whitening is that patients usually experience sensitivity. In this program Dr. Zase will demonstrate the use of a pre-whitener to reduce or eliminate the sensitivity as well as additional benefits. Other techniques to increase patient satisfaction with tooth whitening include a modified technique for constructing take-home trays and patient education about bleaching. Dr. Zase will also review the technique for in-office bleaching. Disclaimer: Disclaimer: No commerical support for this course was received. The speaker did not receive commercial support for this course.
Last Reviewed: 04/18/2012 Objectives
OutlineI. Take home trays basics II. Patient Education III. In-office Power Bleaching ReferencesPapathanasiou A, Kastali S, Perry R, Kugel G. Clinical evaluation of a 35% hydrogen peroxide in-office whitening Giniger, M., Spaid, M.: Clinical Evaluation of Bleaching Pre-Treatment Swabs on Two Whitening Regimens. J. Dental Research, IADR Abstract No. 86963, Submitted June 2006. Giniger, M., Bastini, T., Hanson, C.R.: Assessment of Enamel Surface Effect Caused by Aqueous Cleaning Technology. J. Dental Research, IADR Abstract No. 91293, Submitted September 2006.
Products Used in This CourseProducts used in this dental CE course are listed belowMany companies listed on HDiQ offer FREE samples for professional evaluation. Be sure to click on each product to read more about the product and to check if samples are available. |