Marketing Dental CE CoursesClick on any course title to view course details. To add a new Marketing dental ce course to your library, log in or register as a new user. Return to this page and click the title of the course, then click "Watch Course" on the next page. You can watch a sample by clicking "Watch Sample" next to the course that interests you. You can earn Dental CE by taking the quiz at the end of each Marketing course that offers dental continuing education credit.1 CE
1 hour In this program you will learn how to build a site that entices consumers to you and how to make that site easily accessible. Total Views: 2,237
1 CE
1 hour This program focus’ on four things you can do today to improve your page’s rank. They include, building one way back-links, better title tags, frequency of updates and improved copy. If you can focus on these four factors you can vastly improve your website’s visibility. Total Views: 2,199
1 CE
1 hour In this course, Dr. Boulden discusses the importance of a well designed website and what components of your website the search engines are looking at. He will also discuss things you can do to optimize each term that someone would be searching for you with. If you are not on page one of search engines like Google, Bing, etc. then you need to watch this video. Total Views: 86