Learn From the Dental Industry's TOP LEADERS!Sit Chairside withDr. Dennis WellsCreator ofDURAthin® Prepless Veneers- OR -
DescriptionThis course demonstrates the clinical techniques in completing a muscle and joint examination as part of a comprehensive look at the patient’s present condition. One of the reasons we fail in helping our patients achieve long-term health and function is due to a risk from force. The joint and muscle exam reveal existing damage as well as indicators that the stomatognathic system is being exposed to force beyond it’s adaptive capacity.
Last Reviewed: 07/29/2012 Disclaimer: No commercial support was recieved for this program. Objectives
OutlineI. Introduction II. Joint exam III. Muscle exam ReferencesMohl N D, Zarb G A , Carlsson G E, Rugh J D : A Textbook of Occlusion. Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc., Chicago/London/Berlin/Saul Paulo/Tokyo/ Hong Kong, 1988/ |